Philadelphia, PA
July 13-16, 2024

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Zach Elmer

Wily Raven

Zach began his government service as an Operations Officer with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). During his time at the CIA, he certified as a Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Collector. Zach received his first firearms, medical and high-speed driving training at the CIA.

Zach later joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as a Special Agent. During his time at the FBI, Zach continued his tactical, firearms, medical, surveillance and driving training. He became a member of an FBI SWAT Team and worked as an assaulter, medic and sniper for the team.

Zach has provided training in the areas of situational awareness, basic tactical movement, emergency medical response and firearms proficiency to individuals, families, church groups, schools and businesses since leaving government service. He currently works as an executive in the private sector.


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