Philadelphia, PA
July 13-16, 2024

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The Future of Commercial Real Estate: We Are All Asset Managers

  • Room: PCC – Room 204 A
  • Session Number:T100
Tuesday,July 16, 2024:10:45 AM -11:45 AM


Matt Lexow-Gray
VP, Data Ops
Lobby CRE


Market forces seemingly produce new challenges in the CRE market on a regular basis, and with no end in sight. CRE firms need to adapt in order to accommodate these shifts and more effectively control and predict the impacts on cashflow. In the ongoing quest to for operational efficiency, reduced costs, and maximized profits, we are all asset managers. And in this market, the choice is simple: adapt or fail. In this session, you'll learn techniques to model cashflow scenarios and uncover strategies to enhance efficency within your organization, leaving you empowered to to navigate financial landscapes with confidence. 




Learning Objectives

1. Understand the market trends driving shifts in role requirements
2. Define the four main performance levers (operations, debt, equity, and entity) and their impact on business operations
3. Identify approaches to model and predict cashflow scenarios
4. Discover strategies to develop operational efficiencies within the organization


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