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WaterSignal: Real-time water monitoring and management.
Cooling tower valve stuck open overnight? Irrigation system ran all weekend? Underground water leak? How can you manage what you don't measure? WaterSignal is a non-invasive technology that provides real-time monitoring and management of water usage. Being proactive is the key to saving companies thousands of dollars in wasted water and potential infrastructure damage. By continuously measuring domestic, irrigation, and cooling tower water meters, WaterSignal mitigates the risk and reduces the cost of uncontrolled water loss by immediately alerting building engineers and management via SMS text and/or email to multiple devices within minutes of excessive or abnormal water use. This is particularly important after hours and on weekends. We provide accurate and detailed data and analysis about how much water is being used, every hour of the day. Reduce your water costs by an average of 14% with a 6-12 month payback.
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