Kansas City, MO
June 24-27, 2023

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A Paradigm Shift in Safety & Security

  • Room: Kansas City Convention Center - Room 3501 AB
  • Session Number:S110
Sunday,June 25, 2023:10:00 AM -11:00 AM


Jeff McKissack
Defense By Design


We have often thought by making our buildings and properties more secure, this would enhance the safety and security of those within, thus reducing various onsite liabilities. This presentation flips that paradigm, addressing how it is only by making 'individuals' onsite safer that the collective safety of all others is enhanced and how this relates to lower property and corporate liabilities, possibly even lower insurance premiums as well. Done well, this can also positively impact both tenant retention as well as new tenant acquisition, turning a liability into a marketing and PR opportunity. What are the issues and liabilities? What are the strategies? What are the major points of due diligence and documentation? What are the potential positive impacts? These are the specifics that will be addressed in this presentation designed to keep your tenants out of the emergency room, and your management companies out of the courtroom and the newsroom.





Learning Objectives

1) Attendees will better understand their onsite liabilities related to tenant safety and security issues.
2) Attendees will better understand how these issues can be more realistically mitigated if not avoided.
3) Attendees will better understand the paper trail of documentation and due diligence that should be applied to this process.
4) Attendees will better understand how their current liabilities 'can' become marketing and PR opportunities.
