Avian Flyaway, Inc.

Rockwall,  TX 
United States
  • Booth: 930

Pest Birds??? Send "em packing. Permanently! Guaranteed.


  • Avian Flyaway''s Avian Averting System is custom designed, turn key, virtually invisible and guaranteed to permanently eliminate pest birds on your building structures.  We work Nationwide. 
  • Additional services include our Migratory birds services eliminating flocking birds like grackles and starlings roosting in your trees in mass numbers. 
  • For soaring birds like seagulls we offer our Wire Grid System to visually distort their field of vision and keep them from landing.


  • Bird Control Systems
    Let us solve your pest bird problems....

  • Bird Control for building structures, Tree's infestations, and Sea Gull problems on flat roofs.  Custom designed and guaranteed.