Universal Fireproofing Patch by Vellrath Group

Pequabuck,  CT 
United States
  • Booth: 848

UFP - the way to go when you don't know!

Universal Fireproofing Patch (UFP) is a patented formula of specialized compounds to provide superior adhesion/cohesion and strength to ensure damaged fireproofing (SFRM) is repaired compliantly. UFP has been tested to be compatible with light and medium density and fibrous and cementitious types of major brands of SFRM. It is easy to use, compliant and is cost effective when you need to repair damaged fireproofing. UL has tested UFP as a SFRM and Intertek Laboratories has tested UFP as a trowel applied patch. During renovations of commercial structures, there may not be records of what fireproofing was originally applied....This is a LIFE SAFETY issue!

UFP ....the way to go when you don't know.

Brands: Universal Fireproofing Patch (UFP)

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  • Universal Fireproofing Patch (UFP)
    Universal Fireproofing Patch is a patented DIY patch for damaged fireproofing. When you need to fix damaged fireproofing and don't know what was originally installed, UFP provides a compliant, easy to use life safety solution....


    Current regulations require that any fireproofing patching must be completed with the exact same coating that was originally installed. If the exact material is unknown, no longer being manufactured, or for some reason unavailable, what do you do? Removing the coating from the entire beam and re-spraying it is certainly one option, however this will come at a cost with a whole bunch of zeros. Since there has been no acceptable procedure for patching under unknown conditions, the incentive has been great to just make the problem go away. Before UFP it was commonplace to scrape stuff off the floor, use taping compound, anything—just to make the problem disappear. Anything other than a compliant repair is a life safety issue!

    UFP works (and when you’re responsible for doing a job that has the potential to save lives, there’s real comfort in that). Why does it work? Unlike any existing fireproofing patch solutions, UFP adheres optimally to dry coatings, performs thermally equal to or better than any existing SFRM, and has been approved against both medium and commercial grades of fireproofing, fiber or cementitious, for up to 3 hours of protection.  UFP has been fully vetted by VTEC and ITS laboratories as a trowel applied patch. It is also Classified by UL as a Spray-applied Fire-resistive Material as described in UL's Design Y737.