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XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp

Burnaby,  BC 
  • Booth: 1033


XYNYTH Manufacturing Corp. has been a leader in the manufacturing industry for almost three decades, offering a line of high-quality icemelters. Founded in 1986, XYNYTH is based in Vancouver, British Columbia, and over the years, has continually evolved to market its products internationally. XYNYTH is renown among its customers for its excellent, effective products and premier customer service. 

  Show Specials

  Press Releases


  • Mountain Organic Natural™ Icemelter
    A premium product designed to tackle the worst winter weather conditions, while still being completely organic and environmentally safe....

  • Arctic ECO Green® Icemelter
    A powerful natural deicer that is gentle on the environment, harmless around children and pets. This icemelter was designed for the organically inclined.

  • Winter Warrior Enviro LEADer Icemelter ™
    The Superior ECO De-icer, designed specifically to be used around all Green Buildings / Properties, where there are environmental or corrosion concerns....